Friday, 11 December 2015
Friday, 4 December 2015
Group Work - Actor Release Form
This is an Actor Release Form already signed by our protagonist. Developing from last actor release form we filled in needed information of our project title, record label and more. We obtained the personal details of our actress and needed signature. Within the next week or two we are hoping to get a response from the TFL about the Underground Permission. This is the only release form we still need to obtain in order for us to successfully start filming process.
Group Work - Shooting Script
This is a shooting schedule which will significantly help us to improve our filming process. Hand made notes will allow us to express our thoughts and ideas, potential improvements which we can make during filming as well as tips for the actress.
Group Work - Meeting Minutes / Summery of Tasks
As a group we decided to conclude our group tasks as we are approaching to filming of our music video. We completed various tasks starting from codes and conventions under the umbrella of Dance music genre, in particular House. This allowed us to understand and develop our ideas. As a development of our idea we completed a set of tasks including; synopsis, detailed treatment, location analysis/recce, risk assessment, cast and costume notes, storyboard, script, budget, equipment and props list and many more. Our aim during the next two weeks is to re-insure our planning is completed. Currently we are working on permissions of actor and location release forms, shooting schedule and shooting script and improving our storyboard. We believe these tasks will allow us to create successful product based on codes and conventions of our chosen genre. Our time management is the key to effectively develop our ideas followed by our in-depth research.
Director: Magdalena Zygmunt
Director: Magdalena Zygmunt
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Group Work- Treatment Final Draft
This is our final draft of the treatment. After finishing off our storyboard and the script we decided to make some improvement, particularly within the budget, which significantly increased due to greater amount of props. Except from that we have not made any other improvements. The treatment significantly helped us with the construction of our storyboard as well as the script. We found it as a good way to conclude our production information.
Group Work- Location Release Form
This is a Location Release Form which we created in order to obtain a permission for underground filming. This will be essential as we said before in our research, in order to re ensure safe environment. We are planning to film during off-peak hours in order to avoid large crowds, which might result in various risks. We are planning to ask for the permission shortly this week, which will give us time to plan the shooting schedule and make confident decisions about the dates of filming. This will definitely benefit our time management.
Group Work - Actor Release Form
This is a Actor Release Form template which we are planning to use within our production. This will be sent to our actress as a form of permission. We are planning to sent this document off today, meaning we will shortly get the form back. This will reassure our filming dates, allowing us to start our shooting schedule.
Group Work - Storyboard Final Draft
This is our final draft of the story board. As a group we came to a conclusion that there are no current improvements we would want to make to our storyboard, due to time, detail and thought we have put into it. We believe this is a strong construction of our storyboard which will allow us to create effective shooting schedule as well as allowing us to capture the necessary scenes. Our improvements might develop during filming time, as a result of unexpected thoughts and ideas obtained through the locations and events. At first we are planning to capture listed shots below, however we are not planning to limit our-selves. This means we will take extra shots which will then help us during editing process. This will allow us to save a lot of time for improvement shots.
Furthermore, within our storyboard we included detailed notes about the choice of the shots and their effect. These annotations are developed even more within the script. Besides, from that we created a time line, we know when we want our shots to start and when to finish. This will make our editing much easier, allowing us to cut the videos much faster.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015
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